The girl in the yellow cab

devika naik
2 min readDec 8, 2020
Photo by Lerone Pieters on Unsplash

Life in New York can be fast, and I sometimes feel I think about doing things more than I actually get stuff done. I have been meaning to write for a long time but juggling between work, late-night coding sprints, daily runs, and Netflix kept me pretty much occupied. Today, I decided to change that and write a few lines.

From spending almost 21 years of my life in Goa, a beautiful coastal state in India to moving to my dream city, life has definitely changed a lot. Taking up Computer Science major back in undergrads was not a very conscious decision, but I’m glad I did it. It definitely gave me an opportunity to come to this country to pursue my grad studies in Data Science and appreciate my educational background more. Being able to create a product out of scratch definitely feels empowering. There have been times, I thought about some idea and spent weekends building that idea out which until then was just a figment in my mind.

So talking about my move to New York, it wasn’t an easy ride. Coming from a country that had a completely different culture, tastes, and sentiments, fitting in this new world was definitely tough. I did have my fair share of initial embarrassing moments. But the move eventually turned out to be the best decision of my life. This city helped me churn my interest and inquisitiveness in fintech into a full-blown career and passion.

This city is full of hustle, full of energy that I never saw anywhere else. Even during the pandemic, New Yorkers tried their best to survive and rise up again. There is nothing you can’t accomplish in this city if you have the courage, patience, and enough hard work to sweat it out and achieve your goals.

After writing numerous lines of code, working for one of the top global banks, and spending the last 4 years gaining a deep understanding of building fintech products, I am embarking on a new challenge to use my cross functional development skills and industry knowledge to build great products and convert ideas from 0 to 1.

To my forever love for New York City, I’ll always be that girl in the yellow cab chasing her dreams.



devika naik

A girl that codes and loves food. New Yorker. I write about emerging technology trends, building new age products and D2C brands.